How can I make the emulsion in a pack of polaroid films dry up?
Are there non-paper alternatives to this Photo Box? Would like something that does not easily deteriorate.
Green/Magenta Horizonal Bands with Flash - Polaroid I-2
Don‘t know which to buy
Polaroid film in the tropics - should I refrigerate the whole camera?
Did the price of film just go up?
What happened to all the fun film?
What’s your favorite niche feature on a camera?
Defunct Shipyard
Red Hook Bar
Retrospekt tripod mount and strap lugs - anyone have one to part with?
Could you help me ID which type of polaroid film Petra Collins uses: 600 or itype? Thank you <3
User error or send in for repair?
Red Hook, Brooklyn
Completed my modern darkslide collection yesterday!
Blue Hour in the City
A battle with color negative scanning continues....
Corner diner
Concrete Backyard
This is the best B&W Polaroid ive ever taken. I've been trying to see what the newest chemistry is capable of and its so good.
Why do mine look like this?
Have the android version of SX-70R app been taken down?
JPTWY is still on the Adult Swim app
Any Spectra shooters encounter this weird spread problem with expired packs? Any reason why?