How old will you be on Oct 23, 2077?
Gotta love the smiling toaster
Who is Your Least-Mainstream/Most-Obscure Grailed Servant?
Remote control guardian from botw outdoor video.
How often do you use guns?
So can Asari even have...
She's definitely a red flag, but red is my favorite color (Image credit goes to u/RB24mzd on X/Twitter)
Two in one?
Shepard argues with Anderson (Did you remain loyal to the Alliance in ME2 or resent them for abandoning you?)
Destroy Pargon Ending Slides. User submissions.
¿Que juego es capaz o tiene el honor de hacerte quedar despierto toda la noche?
Goth Firefly (@Redpostit101)
I wish BioWare at least made the N7 armours from the multiplayer available
Which Servant would wear these?
Who would wear these
If you can create a new (Extra) Servant Class, What would it be? and what is the class skill?
I present to you the ridiculous amount of backstracking necessary to get to the 3rd city in Digimon World 3
I might be cooked.
Which character do you want to see get an S upgrade after Anby?
If you had to add a guest character into zenless who would it be?
Which Historical Figure from your home countries would you like to see as a Servant?
Who is the best maid in ZZZ Choose one wisely.
Do you guys ever think some countries in Fallout never got nuked, and are just...normal? I mean like, who the hell is nuking Iceland?
My version **not intended to be a real playable card**, flavor only
What's the best city in skyrim to live in?
Well, this is a first, I know eating a lot and staying in doors can cure it but, has anyone gotten this outside of CDDA? I know this is my first time in 300 hours, to be fair I was wearing less than ideal clothing.