Day 1: What is Frank's most underrated song?
What’s the hardest line in a Frank Ocean song?
I'm trying to make a LEGO fighting game roster, mind suggesting who else should join the battle? (I'm only allowing original themes, so no Star Wars, Marvel, etc)
TeamSeas verifies over 34million pounds of trash cleaned from the environment
Which Frank song are this?
Which Deftones songs are this?
I started making $10k/month... Now what?
Elden Ring 600 million runes acquired
Lego Natural Wonders of the World
Frank Ocean Rug I Made
Listening to all of blonde for the first time in years
new gen alert 🤓
What are your best tips for someone writing a college essay?
whats a game that no matter how many times you tried, you just can’t get into it?
What is the most creative use for AI that you have done or seen?
Is honors college very different from normal college?
I need advice on how to break my limits
How do people day trade without getting good faith violations?
someone sharted themselves during my school day SAT