Please please tell me it gets better, I can’t stop crying and I don’t want to die
I feel like my life has fallen apart forever [21F]
Hair stylist fried my hair, now what?
I already bought the aquarium but I'm being discouraged to set it up. I have major doubts.
Is anyone else not getting Spotify wrapped podcast results?
Wrapped Didn’t Include Podcast?
Need help/advice, any ideas?
What’s your worst anxiety symptom?
I just need advice
Wēta Workshop collaboration revealed
Ydris Quest question
When have you ever encountered a “girls girl”?
Update on the blue explosion in my bathtub
Allergic to my new puppy.
Huge hair dye accident.. how can I get it out?
Looking for Ideas to Improve on my first tattoo
Trying to figure out which option would work best for me.
Am I the only one.
Left home for a month and came back to this.
i am compelled to post about the overhead projector
When getting your husband to go to the dentist is actually more difficult than wrangling your cat to go to the vet.
Greasy face, acne, and acne scars
Is it possible to change the LEDs on my ram & cpu cooler?
What I asked for (left) vs what I ended up with (right) at the salon. Looking for color formula mix recommendations.
What did your pet doing during an emergency situation?