Grade Inflation
UCLA vs. USC for Pre-Law and Law School—Which Should I Choose?
Did I Get AutoRejected From Harvard?
Tell me with a straight face Elon Musk doesn't have them on a leash.
“you’ll be rejected” is okay. happens to everyone. “your top choice will ruin its reputation and become embarrassing” is real. it’s happening.
I got a 1410, and now my parents hate me.
What did I do wrong in high school?
Trump says that all federal funding will stop for schools that allow “illegal protests”
Americans, how do you feel about Trump stopping funding for Colleges that allow "illegal" protests?
Congratulations, Gaza supporters who failed to vote for Harris. You played yourself with your purity tantrum.
is this a good freshman schedule??
Realistically, what income range is able to afford sticker price to top privates without any hardships?
help me choose a college
Should I apply for least popular major in admissions?
Trump, 78, Shows Mysterious Large Bruise on Hand
This Iranian boy got into dream Uni for Aerospace
Low uc applications
Guys I just found out my mom didn't pay for my AP tests, I'm devastated
What would you rank each AP course you've taken for difficulty?
If full pay for an ivy is never worth it, how come are 38% of students in the ivy league willing to pay full price.
People really don’t understand how strong most applicants are for top schools
What in the world Kanye.
Switching High Schools