Hello there my fam its DIRTY THIRTY time and today what movie was so good but you will never watch it again and why as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!!!!
🍀 Fairtrade Flair Day Results…. Congratulations to all new Flair holders and upgrades… we appreciate u all for being here and we will see u again around the 5 of April … Congratulations to all .. Thank u for being here
Hi there its DIRTY THIRTY time and today let's keep it simple guess a number any number as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!
I could cry right now
Partner question
Hello there my fam its DIRTY THIRTY time and today what actor played a role in your mind that messed them up from any other role because they will always be known as that character as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!
Hello there fam its DIRTY THIRTY time and today if you were told to choose one thing from this life to take to ur next life what would it be and why as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!
Hello my fam its DIRTY THIRTY time and today if you were able to be in two places at one time where would you be and why I would be at work and home at the same time so i could be with my wife at all times and still make money as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!!
Hello my family its DIRTY THIRTY time and today if you were a fuit what fruit would you be and why I would be a tomato because everyone thinks I'm a veggie but nope I'm a fruit lol as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!
Hello my fam its DIRTY THIRTY time and today let's make it simple guess a number any number as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!!!
Hello there my fam its DIRTY THIRTY time again and today what's your fav children's movie to watch still as an adult mine is and always will be all dogs go to heaven as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!!
How many trades are allowed?
Hello there my fam it that time DIRTY THIRTY time that is and its simple today say I love you in different languages as always please upvote and good luck my family I have missed you all!!!!!!!!!
Guess what fam it will return tomorrow the DIRTY THIRTY that is so keep them eyes open for the post and thank you for your pets they were beautiful today show me your fav pics of nature or outside lol as always please upvote and have a beautiful day!!!!
Hello fam the DIRTY THIRTY will return in two days but let's see those pics of pets doing crazy things as always have a beautiful day my family!!!!!!
Legend in my own mind
Can anyone finish this set for me please!!!!!!!!!
Can anyone help?
Hi there fam no DIRTY today but we can still have a little fun what's been the hardest tradable card to find for you all it was low poly for me have a beautiful day family!!!!!!!!!
Hello my fam there is no DIRTY THIRTY today!!!!!
Lf: opening night & Merch mania. Will donate the rest because I think I might actually get the wild to close the album!
Can anybody help? It’s the last set I need