This is saddest face of Kratos during the whole franchise
Still can't let go of 2016 Praetor. What suit do you guys use?
After the dark ages which one of id other franchise do you want to see? Wolfenstein 3 or quake 5?
How far did Kratos fall in the beggining of God Of War 1?
If it’s not the Blitz Gun from Going Commando you’re doin something wrong
What is your favourite shotgun in gaming?
Favourite low-level enemies?
What character embodies a idea of a one man army
It's just my personal Goldilocks zone of being challenged but not overwhelmed while still feeling like a fun action movie
What the hell is that?
Which boss fight made you feel like this
What are some movies without a single boring scene?
How fast Shadow of War executions are without the slow-mo
Anyone else noticed this for the movie?
Best armor sets are medium
Warbond Concept "Healthy Heroes"
Please just say one o'clock (or whatever time equivalent) instead of trying to give some elaborate description of how to turn the tower.
Which is better, before or after color?
Lets settle the debate! Would you rather have a personal microgun, or a more powerful, crew served minigun?
Characters whose laugh becomes permanently burned into your brain
What was the hardest boss you fought that wasn't from a soulslike?
Like a clockwork
Not even one full hour played, already experiencing 100% cinematic material. Is the whole game gonna be like this?
Nintendo mess around
Anyone else have trouble parting with an armor? I feel lost if I can’t yeet my 500kg from 100m away.