I found this on the street, brought it home and it ate my hamster, what should I do?
Would you still consider this low poly?
I bought a prototype gamecube off eBay about 20 years ago.
I tried to model my fnaf oc on my phone! (I think I accidentally removed all horror elements...)
Custom Freddy Fazbear action figure
Whats happening here? Is it gcode?
Crazy huge layer shifts? This is a benchy, its 100% not a gcode thing. Do i need to replace my belt?
Can someone convert the original dropper map by Bigre into a .epk file
My son is too young for a proper bambu account, but, he really wanted me to post his design he is entering into the "shoe holder" contest. It's absolutely gigantic for what it offers, but, he assured me "kids will see it and love it!" 🤷♂️ Not gonna stop on his aspirations though, he's 10!
"Thing" sits up, What should Thing be called?
My friend gave this to me for free
Replacement USB for my Logitech G535 Lightspeed Wireless Gaming Headset
Is this salvagable? Broken usb for 70 dollar headset..
Accidentally made some A1 product photos messing around with long exposure
What do I do? that back spring is stuck in there, do I just put my silicone spacer over it or do i try to take that spring out?
getting there with your brain > getting there with your wallet. ender 3 pro
Is this spring damaged? Could damaged springs be the root of my problems?
Should i cut this nub off
Why is bed leveling so hard? I can never get my bed leveled in a million years..
What does the BL touch do? It sees what parts are too high or low or something than tells you how to fix it?
How do I colour circles onto a sphere like the example below?
Is this too big of a gap between my heatblock and heatbreak?
Two Fish Spitting Sand At Each Other
Why is my shading still bad? My topologys all quads (and converting it to triangles doesn't help either)
How to keep sharp edges on shade smooth