A game about Joel's 20 years in the outbreak would be great, with Joel and Tommy being the playable characters
TLOU2 Stans: Only butthurt male gamers are upset that Joel Died, Meanwhile Female Gamers reaction:
That is just hilarious! First it’s Dina to the rescue and then an epic fail! 🤣🤣
Ghost of Tsushima or Last of Us 2?
The Story of Abby and Joel is a completely missed opportunity and this is why:
Is Ellie that short?
Uncle Tommy with the snipe
Yes folks, this is a true masterpiece, better than the first game. Some might consider “best game they ever played” plus this clip showcases amazing writing 👏👏
What is likable about Abby
Chad Tweet
What a response😂😂🤣🤣
Who is your favorite male Canadian pro wrestler of all-time?
Are these Fila or some other bran? They Look familiar
Just a reminder. We weren't the only ones whose franchise was worsened by Neil
One of the dumbest thing in the series is how Kiryu doesn't age yet everyone calls him an "old man"
Name of this shoe?
Batista was built like an Anime character in 2004
Which running shoes are these?
Identification of these running shoes? Need help
Identification of these shoes?
Identification of these shoes? Which brand is it?
Someone mentioned in a different subreddit that Batista in his "The Animal" phase in wrestling is just bulked up Kiryu and I can't unsee it and you all have to be cursed with this knowledge to.
What sneakers are these?