Ramadan Mubarak!
Roller skating ne Prishtine 🛼
Ku mundet nje person me gjet chopsticks ne Kosov?
I always make the same mistake of watching Dylan while eating
What video do you show to someone who has never watched Dylan before?
aww dylan
My favorite sticker
Comfort Post
Kultura “Hook-up” ne Kosove
Looking for volunteer opportunities in Prishtina
Cili vend i ka maicat e personalizume ma kualitet?
To keep us occupied
Troublemakers, what colours do you think of when ypu think of dylan?
I swear we get it
Klub i leximit ne Prishtine?
“Silent Patient” & “Never Lie” — Unpopular opinion
Dylan is ...like a dr*g to me, like my own personal brand of... meditation.
Let’s see
Insert title here
I will forever be grateful Dylan exists in the same timeline as me
a po ju kujtohet ni film (shqip) i vjeter..
what is the most attractive physical features someone could have?
if you had immortality for an hour. What would you do?
Good nail salons?
Rekomandim per berjen e analizave hormonale/vitaminave