How is farming done while being consistent with Jain values?
If time was of the essence, why did Tulip go through the trouble of shipping her car to Masada and then Australia?
Why is Elon Musk getting a hair transplant considered gender affirming care?
Why does seed starting mix need to be screened to a small particle size compared to potting mix?
Interested in less acute surgical disciplines but I don’t like optho
Why don't people on the left use statistical data to refute how conservatives frame DEI?
Best/Cheapest soil options?
What is the likelihood that these small sunflower seeds will germinate?
Can you do the acorn float test on nuts that have already been cold stratified and dried?
[LOTR] Why does Moria have relatively small doors at both of its entrances?
How did DOGE become operational so quickly?
Where do I go from here?
Is it possible to create a mandatory vaccinated policy for adult patients for your practice like many pediatric clinics have?
Besides condoms, what other ways to prevent pregnancy is there that doesn't include putting a ton of bad things in your body(like birthcontrol)? Also TW: SA.
What are these circle things on the roof and what is their purpose?
Why did early 20th century Germany want to expand east rather than west?
Active Conflicts & News MegaThread March 22, 2025
Dumb intern
What percentage of your total urine output ends up in the compost pile?
Why did Humperdoo inbreeding occur?
What is the biochemistry behind hardening off indoor grown plants so they don't get sunburned when moved outdoors?