Symone Sanders Townsend
Memory buttons not remembering
Howie finally decided to try climbing at her play group :D
Anyone looking for gerbils?
Sound effects swapped?
They're hurting the Right people
The council trying to help my husband eat his dinner
Sara Morocco here. We have two days left to reach our target for our ‘click for kibble campaign’ asking kindly if you can click ( it’s free. 1 click =1gr) you can click every two ours. This campaign is all or nothing! Please share. Thank you all
The one time Trump told the truth
How to help postpartum.
Tomato tomoto. The maga morons don’t know the difference
Yeah but we’re all stuck eating the turd soup too
Moved into a new place that came with a stray cat...
2024 nautilus(brand new lease) phone as key unlocks door but won’t lock it.
He doesn’t wear a suit in the Oval Office either
Always happy to see meee 🥹🥹
NY POST Points Out Ratings Crash at Morning Joe, CNN now beating show in 25-54 demo
I guess working from home is okay for some people
And now wapo opinion writers are no longer allowed to have dissenting opinions so they couldn’t write about this.
Inspectors General
I just let them go for it when I open a new box of gourmet hay
Only the best people
All blue states should do this
And that the worlds richest man wants to save you money
Joy Reid’s MSNBC Show Canceled in Major Shake-Up