What type of glue is recommended for the leaf?
My second terrarium for a housewarming gift!
Does she wants to die?
Which actor can be identified by voice alone?
Four years later, dahlias are still my favourite flower to grow
Extreme Burnout..how to cope without quitting?
I Take No Responsibility
Isle of Skye, Scotland[4000 x 5000][OC]
Gotta fill the time somehow!
WFH Tip #2 : How to always appear online
Fool that's not how you play the gam.. wait what?!
i built a miniature audience out of ads I got in the mail
[Spoilers] tl;dw Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 2 Recap
My daughter makes beds in random places. Found her asleep in a Costco tote/container.
Emilia Clarke, of “Game of Thrones,” on Surviving Two Life-Threatening Aneurysms
Fahrenheit is basically asking humans how hot it feels. Celsius is basically asking water how hot it feels. Kelvin is basically asking atoms how hot it feels.
Earl Grey cake roll
How we should all be in 2018
Mont Blanc chestnut cake
Racoon eating his grapes
[Homemade] Mont Blanc chestnut cake
The neighborhood stray cat gifted me these baby cats. Found them in the garage 5 weeks ago.
I embroidered a greyscale pet portrait!
Do you like to own your books or rent them?
‘Stranger Things’: All the Pop Culture References and Homages, Episode by Episode