If you had all memory of the conclusions of science (and creationism) wiped from your mind, what do you think you'd conclude if given all the data, and why?...
$1 million, but with one of 3 permanent buying restrictions
You are offered $3 million but to get it you have to live the life of the main character from the last series you watched for the entire run of the show
An uncontacted tribe of 500 persons on an island has the secret to increase human lifespan to 300 years. They will give the secret to you willingly, but you only have one day to get the secret. Sadly, at this moment you have the flu and will infect the tribe and cause them all to die.
Curse up to 3 people at a time, but only by taking on the curse yourself. What do you do with this power?
[WP] So, it turns out we actually live in a simulation. There were a range of responses to this, but one of the most alarming was the ones who started to hack the universe...
What would you do with 1 million dollars?
What would you expect to find in this thought experiment?
my friend thinks a group of 10 men could kill a silverback gorilla with their bare hands, if they went for the gorilla's eyes and testicles, is it realistically possible?
For 24 hours, every billionaire in the world will mirror your spending (proportionally). What do you do with this?
Evolution is empty
An english man and a jamaican look at each other in a public toilet and notice they have the same tattoo on their penis. The tattoo said "W J" :
You get to be a professional athlete....
[WP] A folklorist or researcher tries to find out what the Fair Folk actually *do* with the names they take.
You are given $1M if you can formulate a 10-word sentence that has never been spoken or written, if it has already been, you die and win nothing. Do you accept? What sentence are you creating?
ELI5 Why does the store only carry tons of different breeds for apples and potatoes?
My mom found out I used tampons
A mysterious being appears to you with two briefcases. They tell you that in one contains a check for $5 billion and the other one that when opened will cause humanity to turn into a random non human fictional race.
You are given $1 billion, but you have to split it with someone outside of your family/friends/close acquaintance circle. Who would you give $500 million to?
you have telekinesis
[WP] You and your sibling have opposite powers. Your sibling can charge objects with potential and kinetic energy while you can absorb potential and kinetic energy. Most of the time people are worried about your sibling. That is until you lose control of your powers.
LPT: store natural peanut butter upside down
How do you avoid leaking during the night when menstruating?
You can grow pennies.
Instant 1 million dollar but never fly with airplane again?