30k karma!!!
20k Karma less go
I genuinely don't get these players
“NoOoO SiX FlaGs coOpiED TdS!!”
I'm in debt
Anti-angel units SUCK for angel enemies. But why? (image unrelated)
what do i go for next
The Halloween War
What about what SKIN is this for you?
What tower is this for you?
Haven't seen
IMPORTANT: If you want to get the mega token in TDS, you have to get all previous mega tokens (image unrelated)
Here's a question I have after beating chapter 3
Who wins?
Free pfp
Useless facts about TDS #1 - There are only 3 mission quests in the game with punctuation somewhere in the title. (. , ! ?)
Mobile auto clicker
Why do people hate the devs so much?
How fast can you beat the Hunt event?
Shotgunner and Scout skin sugestion
Should The Special Mode Enemies Get Added To The Modern SectionLike Hazardous?
Fellas, what are some of the underrated units to counter chapter 4 enemies? (Image unrelated)
We reached it!!!!!!!!!
stop edging the meter guys 😭😭
Day 3 of waiting for lemonade farm less than 7k more likes