[exchange] looking to exchange cards! 🩷 [us to us]
Underrated 80s bands
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[Thank you] for amazing mail today! u/SweetyDarlingLuLu x2 u/dreams_child u/that-tragedy
How does the red cross ship out blood?
"You're hard to read"
[Offer] Space Cards [US to WW]
Brazilian artists/groups
Give me the most beautiful album you’ve heard
Music to elevate your mood when you in your own solitude.
Can you separate the man from the music?
Competitve blood donating.
As a 4'9 girl, would it be safe for me to donate Power Reds?
Tumbler doesn't close?
The crochet community is the most toxic ever
Spotted outside my campus dining hall… I don’t think I’ll be going there for a few days
More songs like "Wave Motion Gun" by Marcy Playground
When I draw a Postcrosser who has already received thousands of cards...
When is the best time to donate?
Kentucky Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Restrict Blood Donations from COVID Vaccinated Donors
Received the Anorak!
Gave reds 19 days ago, if there was something wrong with my blood it wouldn’t show when I can donate next eh? It would just say “not eligible” under the different types of blood donations correct?
This beutiful AI coloring page a teacher at my work printed out for their arctic animals unit
Where do you get old stamps?