Saw this in another sub and thought it belonged here, especially with all the talk about how the market will tank " soon™ "
Was looking over messages and found this gem. I laughed figured yall might as well
Just in case anyone needed a sign...
What game did this to you?
Why yo my dino nuggets spinning?
Do 3 of them actually die?
Help me name it
First thing I'm gonna get
Does the 109 know about the illegal spas?
Coming from behind shower wall
Who do you think was the best stand up comedian of the past?
With Beste now as a Shadow, who are the best 3 to take ?
LEGO announces Pokémon theme for 2026
For folks who pre-date the cell phone era, what was your family's reading material of choice to stock in the bathroom?
I walked out of a job interview after one question. Was I wrong?
Where can I buy Power Rangers Megazords figures for a good price?
is DQM Dark Prince any good?
My bf told me he doesn’t care about my opinion , any advice?
I know, I know..😂
Your favourite prank
Just had an interview at The Smallest Cog for an intern role(real image)
You die, but instead of an afterlife, you wake up as a newborn with all your past memories intact. What’s your next move?
Which celebrity death during your lifetime that hit you the hardest?
How do you guys season your rice?