[KCD2] Henry Sifu: Enter the Dragon
Show me your barber update looks ð[KCD2]
Attempt at a home made Farkle Board- [KCD2]
[KCD2] You can train unarmed easily by sheathing your weapon in a practice fight.
[KCD2] Did you know? In Bohemia, your chances of getting killed by Henry the Gnome are low, but never zero.
Henry The Butcher of Skalitz! [KCD1]
[KCD2] How it felt to complete the game without romancing anyone:
[KCD2] more than 40 hours in the game and still not at the wedding..
[KCD2] How far am I in the story?
[KCD2] Latest update broke my game
[KCD2] "Forget dice, you ever play gwent?"
[KCD2] Did they change the combat at all in the new update?
[KCD2] Favourite weapon to use?
[KCD2] Pfft, what do you know about style, you filthy peasant!
[KCD2] Who Were Your Guys' Favorite Characters? Mine Were Henry Capon and Hans of Skalitz
[KCD2] After the update every tavern paid room turn into restricted area with very hard lock door
[KCD2] What the hell is that thing?
[KCD2] [Spoilers] History video to understand the plot?
[KCD2] The barber update didn't broke the game...it broke me. Tiger King Henry is cursed.
Since the update on ps5 pro im now unable to use L3 + R3 to turn on camera mode? now have to go into pause the game scroll to settings, Anyone else know why they have taken the fast approach away ð§ðĪ [kcd2]
[KCD2] got the miracle screen!
Loving this scene [KCD2]
[KCD2] Everyone pray for Jesus but don't forget the real goat
[KCD2] Reading all the patch notes...
[KCD2] I think I'm the only one not suffering from bugs on the 1.2 patch