[Red dead redemption 2] Finally got the platinum. 🙌
Do you like blonde/tan Mexicans?
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First time at Glen Eden
First time at Blacks Beach
Soo am I the A-hole in this situation ? Anyways enjoy my crazy interaction
[Just Cause 3] I’m about to attempt Just Cause 3, saw it was kinda difficult and takes a while so if you have got it how was it for you?
[Other] So I need some advice; which game from my backlog should I Platinum?
[Just Cause 3] Man this was a fun game to 100%; way better than Just Cause 2 IMO 🕊️
GTA Online Boycott?
[Batman Arkham Knight] Finally !!!!!!!!; I promised I would finish it tonight and I did; This game makes you feel like Batman 🦇
[Showcase] - How many of these plats do you have? Let's see how many we share
[Discussion] Which MGS should I complete first?
[PUBG]Merry Christmas to me
Not sure if troll or genius economic commentary
I wanna do crazy things on a boat with you😜
My 🐱gets a lot of attention what about these? (f) (20)
Im horny 99.99% of the time
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