Best bank of the Maldives
What is the best LLM AI that could be combined with programming documentations?
Fastest (and cheapest) way to migrate abroad without falling into slavery?
From now on,, pls pass the ވީބަ check
So I ran out of medication and now am tired all day long like how my life was before medication.
Is it normal for Maldivian "Software Engineering" courses to have closed book "paper" written exams for programming language based modules?
General Knowledge Question: What is "Fir'aunu Mudhaa"?
Leonardo Da Vinci probably had ADHD
Should overtime be capped in any jobs ?
Any Doctors in Maldives Who Treat Adult ADHD?
Another ADHD medication post
Anyone overpowered in Memorizing skills? Like almost perfect recall skills?
AMA: I'm a clinical psychologist and professor of psychiatry who has studied ADHD for three decades. Ask me anything about ADHD.
Life without medication is garbage
Simple cure for ADHD
Everyone else hates being called smart?
Looking for INTP friend
Is it an INFP (or INTP) thing to hate traditional education systems?
Am…am I one?
Real horror is memorizing the code for exams.
Stimulant Medication for ADHD
Is it possible to practice our way out of ADHD?
Does SSRI help with motivation?
I am terminally attention deficient