[US, US] [H] High-end raw (Gengar VMax, Eeveelutions, CZ Gold Set), SIRs/IRs/TGs, PSA 10 IRs [W] PayPal or select trades (mostly PC ETBs)
Bow skin coming to the shop on the 23rd 🏹
Is there a specific Pokemon that you collect? Other than the obvious Charizard, Pikachu, and eeveelutions
Finally got my chase, Espeon SIR
[US,US] EVERYTHING DISCOUNTED! [H] Modern singles binder, SIRs, IRs, Trainers, Gold cards, ETBs, XY + S&M packs [W] Paypal, pokemon center obsidian flames ETB
Shiny & vintage ex binder progress
Don’t Buy into the Hype
[US, US] [H] Huge Sale! Moonbreon and Friend, SwSh Hits, 151 E&J, SV IR Collections, WotC Holos, Binder [W] PayPal F&F
[US,US] [H] Binder (hit on every page), sealed [W] Trades/PayPal
My wife is 38 weeks pregnant with our first child and ready to pop at any moment. I won’t even be able to think about, let alone play golf for a long while… So I got a new bag.
Unslabbing for a binder
[US,US] [H] Modern Singles, Vintage Lot, Low-end Slabs [W] PayPal G&S, Trades
[US, US][H]Trade binder [W]Mainly trades maybe PayPal.
[US,US][H] PayPal [W] Gold Stadium Wantlist
[US,US] [H] Sealed, SIRs, Alts Arts, IRs, Slabs, Trade Binder [W] Paypal, Illustration Rare Binders at 80%, Wantlist
[US, US] [H] Charizard EX SIR 151, lots of IR’s/SIR’s/Golds/Eng & Jp @ 90% [W] PayPal, possibly PSA 10 slabs
[US, US] (H)Rayquaza Vmax Alt, Blaziken Vmax Alt Arts, tons of cards (W) Paypal, espeon Gold star (HP/DMG/low grade, can do PP/partial PP), trades
New card is pretty fire.
[US, US] *HUGE* INVENTORY [H] Raw, Slabs, PC, English & Japanese [W] PayPal F&F, Trades
(US, US) [H] Binder [W] 90-95% PayPal, Trades
[US,US] (H) 85-90% Slabs & Singles - Vintage & Modern! (W) Wantlist, binders, PayPal
I have been holding onto some ES and felt the need to open a few packs yesterday. So shocked
Journey together pull
What is the most accurate app for tracking collection value?