The roommate vs living alone dilemma
Fourth HM race and fourth time I’ve gotten sick right before 🙃
How old are you when you found out you had a blood clot?
Tattoo ideas??
If Glass Animals deleted all their songs except for 5, which 5 would you want them to keep?
How did you discover Glass Animals?
Daily chit-chat thread
How does running change your body?
Weird thing you love about phlebotomy???
How often are yall really shaving your legs?
Why don’t they use pain relief?!
Colpo tomo :(
Is IUD insertion less traumatic when under anesthesia
Colposcopy Question- no visible lesions, am I in the clear?
Is getting sedation/anesthesia for a colposcopy excessive?
Not sure if this is where it belongs, but here’s a little tribute to the bad that saved my life
should I trust my race predictor
To taper or not to taper for a HM
Lab Assistant Stories
Iron Infusion Question
Does anyone feel overstimulated for the rest of the day after a race?
Favorite long run playlists/artists/albums?
First Prep