I just returned my Bambu printer
This cold has me dreaming of summer and baseball. Best places to watch games?
Found One! Now I Just Need to Figure out What to do With it 😁
I really messed up
Lacewood or Leopardwood?
Those of you who studied theatre in university, what was it like?
Am I being too picky?
I just don’t have it in me today
Woodworking Apron?
Need help coming up with a line for a show!
Microsoft: Official Support Thread
Hyperlinks in Microsoft Word for Web
The way this Ryzen sticker is slightly off on my new laptop.
In the US, to prevent people from counting seconds too quickly, people usually say the word "Mississippi" between numbers, like this: "one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi, etc". What do people outside the US say?
What are you choosing out of this lineup?
Looking for scenes between a brother and sister.
Am I weird for thinking the mold on this wooden spoon is beautiful?
Name help please
Band name for a band where all members are overweight
What’s the most painful part of being a gown up?
Bluetooth Mono Earpiece for People With Glasses
Last sticker needed!
Looking for these last 2 stickers.
Anyone able to trade?