What shall I do now? I am 2024 btech grad and still unplaced..
Is voiceless voice still worth it?
why cant I summon this guy with crimson dragon?
How is your duelist cup going?
So after one day of play D-Link my first impressions are… this card is crazy!
wanted to try synchro variant of branded but unable to understand
Should I buy rainbow six siege
Fusion Deck
Anyone want to play dayz im no mic
Build centerion now or wait?
Predictions for banned card by 2026?
Legitimate question, has there actually been a meta you actually enjoyed since the release of MD?
Just brought dayz on sale , anyone here plays this?
Called by The grave really needs to be banned.
My Father Planning to buy phone. Need Your Help.
Do you agree?
How do you guys really even choose decks
Any idea when centurion support might drop?
Spring Boot Devs! IntelliJ vs. STS Which One’s Your Weapon of Choice?
is this good or needs improvements?
Seems like this guy hate all meta decks, more like all decks
What do we think of this card?
Did Dekayed leak anything today ? I was sleelpng
Will my referral be considered if I already applied before getting the link?
Found another rich boi ( jack atlas)