K-Ultra vs. ZP6 for pour-over and espresso in the future
4:6 recipe and zp6
Thoughts about my 5-pour V60 recipe?
Violent Tornado Damage from the Bakersfield monster
Still of tornado
Comandante Click Counter Hack
19 Tornado Warnings?! 7 of them are PDS!
Tornado heading for Union, Missouri, pop. 13,000. Take shelter in Union
The Essentials Guide to Severe Weather
[USA-MO] [H] 1zpresso K-Ultra [W] Paypal
President Trump posts a DOGE update
Are the grind sizes right for my zp6?
What do you rest your coffee in?
How big of a cup do you typically brew
This seems relatively high. This you? If so, why?
This week on DIY shenanigans
Water draining too fast, but coffee is delicious
K ultra grinder issue
Brewing advice needed! - SEY
Finer grind with lower pour height vs coarser grind vs higher pour height.
ZP6 - Recalibration?
Is Elon Ok?
Hario Mugen - worth trying out? what's your experience with it?
What is the end weight i should be stopping at?
Trump's Treasury nominee just said "extending" Trump's tax handouts for billionaires is their TOP priority: "This is the single most important economic issue of the day."