How to navigate being a black trans man when your family hates men??
1 week hair growth
Best EL eps ever?
Rewatching s10 and
Straight cis guy here, AMA
Acacia Forgot’s unaired “Who Wears Short Shorts” runway!💙
Weekly General Discussion
Hair growth progress
cerave healing ointment or aquaphor?
The benson Boone bit
2 months post op how am I looking?
Apart of the Nosy Community
Bones to pick with the app
voice training???
The change? Help me out brothers
Is it safe to be shirtless after top surgery in Greece?
Did anyone get cold feet at first
Kinda gross
Explanation on Patreon only ep?
I’ve been so happy to be alive lately :))
Changes or not
Let's Talk Traitors - Bob spills the tea 👀
anyone have the tldr on the recent kalvin garrah interview?
Could use some T shot support