Straw Hat Coverup!!!
Into the Emerald Dream Tavern Pass hero skins
What’s the worst non-legendary card in the game?
discover hunter is still good guys!!1!!1
Franky is a better doctor than Chopper.
Just an early reminder, they won’t stack
When characters that don't usually move start moving
I always knew it 🤧
Update for all the nonbelievers
I got my message liked then left on read how do i continue this
My friend bet me I couldn't get gold Lock before's 11:16 pm Dec 31st 🤗
Reccomendations with Doordashing near Harrisonburg
Nah we don’t skip the intro here.
I love chill customers so much
When a character has a noticeable sign that things just got serious
Two Siblings, One kills the other
Running gags based on the fandom playing dumb
Am I the only one who always gets put on page 3 when opening the reward track? I’m actually on 13 by now and having to scroll all the way back there to claim a reward gets annoying
Cactus in the cold?
Characters that use hammers for weapons
Which Legendary to craft?
which card in the new set do you think is most likely to?
All the scientists said that it would never happen, not in our lifetime
3 very rough choices
We are in a movie, dudes