Opinion: Do you feel like your Utah education has put you behind others?
Whats the best home decor purchase you've ever made?
Why did Thomas Jefferson contradict himself and his beliefs so often?
You don't understand! They need to pay their fair share!
Both; would
Best breakfast sandwich?
A cartoon that perfectly encapsulates Mensa
How were you guys when you were child
how do you stop wanting everyone to like you as an entp?
Is being an American really as good as people say it is?
Have all ENTP’s grown up with a narcissist present?
Anyone have a clue on this odd message on a guard rail?
My prediction of WW3 (2027)
Opinions on psychedelics
The pain of being right
What am I? "I am real ..."
Who else does this?
what's you're worst personality trait that you're aware of?
First post here, never been married. Help me out?
What could count as proof of a religion?
I just realized that I need permission from others to feel my emotions.
And I just ate a whole box
Who is still with there wife after she cheated
The absolute yankposting is getting tiring