WTS - Callaway Ai Smoke Mini, 3W TD, Ping LST, Qi10 LS, PXG Gen5t, and more
Would you date a Female Woman Bodybuilder?
WTS Ai smoke triple diamond max 9 degree
WTS Putters
WTT/WTS Brand New Lab Mezz Max. Trade preferred, but open to selling. $550 shipped if no trade.
WTT/WTS Custom CB Lab Mezz Max. Trade preferred, but open to selling.
I posted my 5 wood an hour ago, hers side on view with a wedge. Been playing 18 months, self taught.
I've been playing for ~18 months, been anxious about posting here. Self taught, what do we think? (5 wood, because my driver is terrible)
WTS: Taylormade Spider Tour X Proto L-Neck
Golf thief question
Thinking about playing MCLA after I get my aa and transfer to a university. How hard is it to make a team?
Missing rewards?
Anyone that’s already Infinite this season, when you were in the 90s, What deck did you use to close it out?
Carry distances for irons don’t match driver
I was dumb and deleted Snap, is there anyway to get it back with a VPN?
And here we go…
People who climb infinite
Help on swing. Having trouble with early extension but probably not the only issue.
Shot a 79 on a par 70. Do golfers consider breaking 80 on a Par 70 really breaking 80?
One shank and one well-struck
120 club speed
Any ideas why I slice my drive, and pull/hook my irons?
Need someone more experienced to give me advice on why my shot shape isn’t matching my swing
Launch angle is way too high. 30 degrees with a 9 iron.