What races or sessions did you run that let you know you were ready for a sub 3 marathon?
Just to remind folks, HENRY stands for High Earner Not Rich Yet.
How high should I hang my entryway mirror
Private schools: Anyone who can truly afford it who chooses not to?
Weekend Discussion: New Balance running shoes
Anyone switched to Ecotricity?
Tado X with 4 zone heating system?
Im co-founding a startup and we’re considering go and python, help us choose
Surprising heart rate chart, does it point to what type of training I need more of?
Looking for a new carbon plated race shoe for wide feet
Granted $1.2M RSUs: Hold Tight or Diversify?
MAF training
Weekend Discussion: Saucony running shoes
How did your actual marathon pace differ from your training block marathon pace sessions?
Club memberships in London - suggestions?
I pay 700k a year in tax, and I’m proud of it
Is BTL still worth it over other investments
Is anyone else here happy to pay tax?
Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’
My friend said I should rip this marble out, should I?
At the finish line, how do you gently remind the slow pokes you're faster than them?
If you were the Prime Minster of the UK for the next 10 years, how would you improve the UK?
Why is coffee 3-4x the price compared to Italy?
Should I pay off my credit cards or invest?
CTO considering contracting