Stuck between Porto and Faro/Lagos
For those who listened to Case File's "Silk Road", thoughts on Ross Ulbricht being pardoned?
Will you stop supporting the franchise if Vol 5 is a dud?
Chair Game - Imperial Valentin vs. Atelier
What's your early "calling it now" prediction for next year?
Colin made up for every dumb take he has ever had with this epic rant
Kevin is not the meanest shark on Shark Tank
Counter Clock New Season
Can you help my itinerary?
Itinerary Help
Birkbeck’s book “A Beautiful Child” and Netflix’s “Girl in the Picture
Coming for Visit
Sweet Bobby - Where was Everyone?
Sunday Covid Testing
Wedding venue recommendation?
Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions
“Unsolved Mysteries” Filming New Season for Netflix
Incoming International Student on F1 visa. How do I purchase a car?
Restaurant Rec near Harwich for a big group
On the day 15-year-old Leah Anderson was murdered, the only road into town was closed. Despite a narrow pool of suspects and DNA left on her body, her case remains unsolved.
Megathread: Unsolved Mysteries Podcast
Daily Discussion - 23 Mar 2021
Daily Discussion - 12 Mar 2021
RiteAid questions