Turning 104 this year!
Unpopular opinions
I put grass in my Hotbin for the first time and …
Would your 17 year old self be impressed or disappointed with where you are now? Why or why not?
Funny story
Mi az, amin rengeteget lehet spórolni, de az emberek többsége nem is gondol rá?
My husbands breath smells like shit
Az értelmiség felelőssége
Jamie is weak for an 18th century male
Anyone See the Resemblance
Can someone recommend me a not so popular comedy movie that you personally think is good? Going through a tough time right now and I just need a little laugh.
How can one "build community" if every act of socialization feels like a chore?
Europe should prepare for war
Mit vegyek? - Megathread
I’m very sick - is it fair to want my husband to deal with the kids solo while I rest?
Is it just me or is an evil Karen Collins embodied in this quote from the new sec. of Agriculture?
TV-re ragasztható TAP-ok megvannak?
I can't stand it
Tacky or fashion
Same energy
Jön fel a Tisza, a Fidesz igyekszik újraéleszteni a régi ellenzéket
The 3 reasons for Jamie's (and Claire's) behaviour
Trump pitches ‘merged’ US, Canada after Trudeau resignation announcement
Can't stop laughing at this