GI Bill Payment January
CH35 delay
Gi bill bah question
July 2024 Enrollment Verification Text
Fasted cardio then check ins
6 weeks out bikini
Favorite meal on your meal plan that fits like cheating
5 weeks 4 days out
How long it takes to Anavar to kick in ??
Anavar Cycle
[Off-Topic] Daily Chat: 2024-06-19
7 weeks & 4 days out Regional Show
How much is 80% disability
Bikini Prep physique update
Book & supplies stipend
First cut with Clen/T3
Payment distributions
Cut short on GI bill wondering why (Dec 1-Dec 16) so it shouldn’t be partial payment
GI Bill BAh
who has received their stipend?
Va disability? Can work/Can’t work?
Question on books etc stipend
Anyone else not care for the 4th?
Has anyone here got out for a couple years then rejoined?