Justifying the CGI additions to the original trilogy.
Pebble Watch OS is now open source. Light Watch Anybody???
Finding a Rubber strap for the ABL-100WE-1A
New DW-5000R!
What do you think of my thumbnail designs?
LPII / LPIII - can I use both
Lightphone III Main Camera Focal Length?
Pre-ordered LP3 and all that's missing is WhatsApp or alternative
Snooze feature for alarms
I know what I saw originally! You cant fool us chucklers!
I Am Chuckle Sandwich's Thumbnail Designer
Stupid to buy a switch lite?
Question: How do we get photo’s off of LP3 and onto PC/Mac/iPad?
is this woman in the newest video's thumbnail ai generated?
Petition to bring this style of thumbnail back
Did Chuckle sandwich just copy Kurtis Conner?
Where are the numbers?
I get that there's not much you can do for the "conspiracy" topic, but it's literally the same background, just without the effect. Do you think it's just a coincidence?
Lord of the Rings but everybody is Casey
LUMIX S5 II - Should You Switch from Canon/Sony?
How Big Brain Academy answers an age old question when playing against my 4 year old.
These any good?
Wait no more... Tetris Effect: Connected is coming to Nintendo Switch this October!