Check out my big purple horse cock
Stunning work by Valley Bladeworks
Vosteed 'Fulgrim' III Legion exclusive
GTC Enigma
Mirror Mirror on the wall, what's the purtiest knife of all? Show them blades!
Russian Post discreet shipping
Synthwave Terminator now on matching display base
What do we got this Sunday?
What's your most futuristic looking knife? CRKT Deviation
Got some knives back today
New Scale day
Don't do him like that.
1st knife I ever bought (back in 2022)
Sunday funday
This round is for small knifes only. Show them off.
Got my first CRK. Small 31 Bog Oak
What’s in Your pocket?
NKD- couple of titanium bangers
Updated pic of every knife I own…
I think he turned out ok.
First time making a skeletonized handle
Custom pocket knife. Crystallized titanium & Damasteel. Comments?
This is what you get from letting borrow your week old Buck 110 for 30 seconds. Any ideas how to get it out?
of a wolf
I love them harpoon grinds!