When are we doing the apoc round 2 agenda wars?
TOP 5 strongest lookism character's
You can only pick one...
When the government says don’t worry about HMPV, should we take it easy?
Who Is The Best Choice To Fight Jinrang ?
Character Ai users rn:
Summarization of all minors in this Subreddit
Fuck you all, I hate all of you (but equally)
“Daniel, I want you to kill King of Busan for me”
We got Daniel for "D" who's the best character starting with "E"
Always happens when the RP is at it's peak
Maybe he is the 2nd body of charles
The New redesign of Eli
Thoughts about WuWa before we head to Rinascita
What ch is this
Can he beat James Lee ?
Iook i know this is just a show but this is actual weirdo activity.... 😕
Will epic fumble the bag with chapter 2 rewind?
I hope she has a normal head/human edit style
What Skin Should I Get???
Which character physics do I have from lookism?
Any guesses on when she'll be released? (via @HYPEX)
Bruh I was at the climax of my rp
All this cause of the Goat