This sub is always my favourite to post in <3
I literally just switch addictions - from one dopamine hit to the next
my st. patty’s day outfit 😁☘️
scored free paint
what's your island's name?
I feel amazingly euphoric in these clothes. By the way, how old do you think I look?
Who do you guys pretend is you island bf/gf?
The most surprising euphoria on T so far…
I just lost my virginity
The least dysphoria inducing angle 😎
passing? age? 2y on T
growing my little guy 🐛
Just met a fellow dog hater in real life 🙌
Wearing underwear as a transmasc
Accidentally recreated my kitchen counters pattern on a plate while seasoning a burger
trans masc euphoria!
(NSFW) anyone else feel controlled by sex?
why did nobody tell me this song is so fire😔
maladaptive daydreaming about romance/intimacy?
Share your favorite random gender affirming clothing item
How's my voice sounding?
Toy recs?
Deciding if I should start T
Wouldn’t ‘absurd man’ mean the opposite of what Camus meant by this label?