My first Jack signature
Jack, are the new Jack Pack cards going to be the same as the old ones or will it be a new series?
JSAG pie chart!
Say what country your from using 2 words an I will guess it
A perfectly normal sentence
Guys, you know what to do. Let's make it happen
Another Minigame - Target Practice
This is basically a normal meme template now - found on r/GCSE
This is truly universally recognized - r/GCSE
Where am I from based on the cities i can name?
Something is wrong with this screenshot
Jack, I think you got your upload schedule a bit off again
Day 1 of trying to get a comment from every country i can.
What are we gonna call the guy in the top left of the MC videos?
Reminder for jack to put his certificate on his wall
I asked ai to make a theme song for the long channel name
It turns out you can't buy a white pwk x turdboi mug
If Jack made a book what would it be called?
jsas' top 8 most viewed videos
Reminder for jack to go to equatorial guinea
Hey guys!! I just buffed bloodbath to make it the new top 1!!! tell me if you want to verify! also is this rateworthey?
What difficulty would you rate my layout so far?
feedback on my new level would be appreciated
Who is this player (wrong answers only)