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AAMC Sample. Where to go from here?
I may be terrible at physics...but at least I can read.
Thermodynamics Concept Question ****UWumbo Spoiler****
AAMC B/B section bank #19 - can someone please explain this to me?
Testing on 9/9 (46 days). When should I start AAMC material and what order should I take it in?
How does the body use ketone bodies?
AAMC SB CP 59 - can someone explain the numbering of the nucleotide? why is N higher priority than the COOH
Is every case of intragenerational mobility also intergenerational mobility?
It is worth redoing UEarth?
Confusion about Second Equivalence Point
CARS Books/Guide
F to my 60% on UWorld lol
Reasoning behind how to solve this acid/base problem?
drop some low yield stuff (or any fun info) that i should know for my test on saturday
AAMC FL #3 C/P #10
To medical students. Why did you pick medicine over dental school?
Putting aside academics (mostly), which is more fun: Gen Chem, Classical Physics, or Gen Physics?
AAMC FL 4 C&P Q30: What's your method for solving these kinds of problems?
Official 100k+ salary careers outside of med school thread
low clinical hours
When/How do I start studying for the MCAT
kinetic and potential energy Uearth
Someone please help me understand this JackSparrow Biochem enzyme card. The concept I don't understand is written in bold