I'm a gamer and I can help!
I hate hearing people from my country speak English with the exact same accent i have
The drug dealer of my high school class randomly spotted me and was like "HEY U/VOLUMINOUSNOSTRIL!" he snuck up on me i think he saw that i was literally on reddit like a fucking redditor yay me
I love love love love when my mom randomly invites people from her pentacostal religious sect over without any warning and they introducte themselves to me with that creepy overly "happy" yet subtly repulsed attitude and dead look in their eyes
Just took a selfie, How do i look??
I didn't speak to a classmate for 5 years because I accidentally told her mom "DIE SMELLY HAG"
enough said
please god
at self-checkout i weigh all fresh produce as potatoes
I've never ever killed a spider
i've been eating instant noodles for weeks i feel so sick and horrible
A frof gg Kvfor a fr r yh y
lose focus - life over 😠
Ever lurk a profile you can't forget?
Does everyone have to stop themselves from making that weird frog noise when yawning?
My bacne is gone
EWW my mom is listening to some kind of podcast about how women "dressing too nice" OR not shaving their legs is sinful and disrespecting your body AND god
My boyfriend is sick
when when i shitpost more than once a day
How do you deal with people judging you from eating alone?
I hate hate HATE my name
my literally me characters
i am once again crying all of you a river.
If some flowers are edible how come we didn't breed any of them to be tasty