If I pay for my own academy, will that help my chances?
First Day / Week
Has a friend or family member ever tried to use your status to get out of anything?
Terminated in FTO
When you go to become a police officer, do any departments have academy at colleges like on a normal day schedule?
I need to know the answer. What are your favorite donut flavors?
What happened in the back seat??
When did you give up after being DQ’d from law enforcement, and did you try again? Were you hired?
I’m off FTO!
How many of you and or people in your department are trained in grappling; ie Wrestling, BJJ, Judo, Catch, etc?
What changes would you like to see in police training to better prepare officers for real world scenarios?
AITA for suing my neighbor after their kid trespassed and fell into my koi pond?
Question for Background Investigator (or anyone familiar)
From Disqualified to Hired
For those of you recently hired:
Looking for some tactical boots
Case laws
Any stories from people who didn't make it on their first try?
Seeking Advice: Choosing Between Weber State and Salt Lake Community College Police Academies in Utah
If demon slayer is so mid,why is it 10th highest selling manga series??
AITA for telling my friend she was uninvited from my birthday dinner if she didn’t pick out a different outfit
AITA for grounding my 16yro son for a month after he called his stepdad a slur?