Are women really attracted to skinny guys?
how do people have energy after 8-5 job?
How do single people find the energy to cook for themselves?
What does your dream life look like?
Need advice for my first solo road trip
Is starting at 24 too late?
32, unemployed and lost. Where do I go from here?
Do you actually like your life?
How old were you when you first started showing symptoms?
Mid life crisis? - Quit my full-time job with no back - now what to do?
How do I get back on track?
My life is out of order. How do I get back on track?
35M literally have everything except relationship, feels like nothing (career, hobby, home ownership)
Are any of you extremely anti social/ avoid relationships??
Do some Korean people name their children numbers or animals?
Sex doesn’t feel good with girls I’m not attracted to
Are women less lonely?
What is your opinion regarding changing career after 30?
Why are there people who have everything(Psychologically and mentally talking), but still can't find a relationship?
33M, unemployed living with mother, no degree, 10k in debt and severe depression
What does it feel like for you to come out of your Seasonal affective?
BPD & Children: Do You Like Kids? Are You Good With Kids?
Is anyone else horrible at staying in touch with friends?
Are boys just generally not into texting much?
Would you work at all if you didn't have to?