How about a no? ...with a cherry on top? ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Why isn't my subject coring provinces?
"Playing outside of Europe"
Schrödinger's heir
You've got to be kidding me...
Whoever wrote idea descriptions really likes Provence
Surguja independence is easy. Surguja Sikh Horde is stupid.
Apparently trade companies contribute to average local autonomy
Finally... I finished the tutorial!
Are there QOL mods you find mandatory?
tHe Ai dOEsN't tArGEt THe PlAyeR
Ah yes the Hospitallers knight known throughout for their great twerking skills during the Crusades, Live Love Laugh
Worst place to war in game?
Why did I discover East Asia so early?
Is the English AI programmed to never take the Angevin path because of how ridiculously strong it is?
What nation always ruins your games?
The Imperial Council - /r/eu4 Weekly General Help Thread: July 15 2024
First horde-> China game and I have some questions
Where to find EU4 Lore?
this is gonna suck.
Stream of consciousness
Welcome to the 1600s. Most of the New World is already taken over. Too bad! Better luck next time!
My General is Sonic
How do I keep Poland loyal?
I really hate to complain but why any unrest in trade companies?