Pro torrent build complete!
Late night game/youtube watcher setup
Genuinely curious What CPU + GPU combo you guys use in your personal builds
Almost done :)
Deshrouded Zotac GTX 1660 Ti (noise curve)
This is what happened while your BK1 jammed but you just holding trigger.
3u spacebar layout on my preonic
DZP MK1 looks pretty good with the Stryker's accessories
Custom 130mm height cooler part 2 fail🤯 nice paperweight.
Blaster Wall
I made a 3D printed vertical base for my k77, now with extra USB ports!
The lime loadout
Gecko with hardware from Amazon and 17/32 brass barrel sleeved up to 5/8. I love it and have enough hardware left to build another...
Another Gecko mag release appears!
Gecko ambi mag release up on thingiverse! link in comments
Designed a mag release for my Gecko!
Flipped my Evolv Shift upside down after having previous AIO pump die
Brushless solenoid microstryfe!
Finally got the 25n and xpt to catch reliably in the retaliator. Can you tell I like the elite color scheme?
I Like This Look. Just Sharing.
Broke the end cap piece on my DZP so I modeled a printable one, thingiverse in the comments
No paint but I do love the elite colors, about 100 fps with stock wheels and some old 132 motors in a 42.5 ofp cage
ABS filament and 3D pen works well for attaching shell pieces together, though I will go back with epoxy just in case
TIL the rail on the orbit is the perfect width for picatinny sights
Mk30 Gryphon/Volt Prototype is a Success!