PhD Biostatistician jobs
Boss want me to make their PowerPoint presentations for them. It feels demeaning. Is it a workplace culture thing I don’t understand?
The response from the woman who took the chatterbox video.
Best line in the whole show
Why is USA against workers’ unions?
Helena's eating disorder is telling us something more sinister
Career Dilemma: MS in Biostatistics or ABSN?
Whats the nastiest, greasiest, most-heart-desease-inducing food in indy?
My almost 10 year old chunky pup Annie
Do you deal with unrealistic expectations from non-technical people frequently?
Government shut down
Are theoretical statisticians worse off than applied statisticians? [Q]
Is this the best episode of the season?
The market has not crashed
Just received an offer from my old company to buy back the stock shares I left with.
Software engineering leetcode questions in data science interviews
TIL that in her 2019 testimony to stop paparazzi from endangering her children, Jennifer Garner described a “solid decade where there were five or six cars minimum, and easily up to 15 or 20 on the weekends, outside of my house at all times.”
[Q] Is statistics just data science algorithms now?
ELI5 Why does songs in a major key make us feel happy and songs in minor key make us feel sad?
[E] TAMU vs UCI for PhD Statistics?
In all honesty, how do you think Trump will end ?
does bob have any bad or pointless albums?
Children of Dune feels like constant callbacks and exposition about the lore, and I’m struggling
How the f**k am I supposed to get a job as biostatistician or statistical programmer if EVERY SINGLE position starts from a 5+ years experience senior level in Europe?