Anything I can do better to clear 150 in time or just practice on Purging Touch Mob Gathering? The Stats are PreBuff in town.
8 Cup Chemex: Making less strong coffee?
Forget the meta, what dps class/spec are you having the most fun with?
Looking for Cultural anthropologists/Linguists
Corny Pickleball Sayings
ELI5: If air is made up of 78% Nitrogen, our blood uses Oxygen and we exhale Carbon dioxide, what happens to nitrogen?
I'm going to defeat this new uber boss this afternoon
Season 4 PTR Campfire Chat Summary
Haven't played in a while. Are there still good corpse necromancer builds?
What do you guys use for Bone Spear necros?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
What am I doing wrong?
Based on your feed back how is this pour?
How did I do ?
My Friend and Her Daughter Just Became Homeless. What are her best options?
Warmer Plate Use
[CAMPFIRE CHAT ||| MEGATHREAD] October 10th Campfire Chat Livestream - Class Updates, Unique Items, Patch 1.2.0, Season 2, and more...
What dew you do?
What are you reaching for first?
Developer Update Livestream Megathread - October 4'th
The famously “very weak” U.S. Air Force
Outdoor Consignment Store
What would be the most absurd thing to fill a piñata with?
20M dirty hobo gimme something i havent heard
What professions produce the biggest assholes?
Local Dart or Cornhole Tournaments