Trade List / Giveaways
H: Price Check - Red Asylum W: Answers
H: Responders Fireman Outfit just dropped today from fertile soil W: Offers, masks, apparel, te3 mags, etc also have Glowing Uni.. open to separate offer or offers for both
H: Buffoon W: 5k Fertilizer or 2500 Nuclear Waste
H: FAS Masks, Junk W: 5x Rangers
H: forest camo jumpsuit W: offers
H: Stuff W: Mods
H: AAss1s shishkebab + chinese Sword W: 100 Leaders Each
H: gbd + loon W: glowing turkey
H: FAS Set + Q2525 CB Rifle + V2515 Pepper Shaker + TSE90 .50 Cal W: TFJ 4:1
H: FAS Set W: Glowing Unicorn
Anyone get a good weapon from Fasnacht?
H: Glowing Alien + Glowing Turkey W: Glowing Mask Offers (no Mino)
H: Q2525 + Q50c25 CB Rifle W: Glowing Unicorn
H: QE25 Railway W: TFJ
H: Red Asylum + Glowing Turkey + FAS Set + Q50c25 CB Rifle W: TFJ
H: glowing uni w: good offers
The I'm sad fasnacht is over giveaway bundle (3 items ) Winner determined by TOP VOTED answer by 10pm mst. --> Tell me why you shouldn't under any circumstances put ketchup on steak! 1 winner - 3 items
H: 4K psychobuff 4K psychotats w: offers, no caps please
H: tfj W: red asylum x50
Red Asylum - Opinion
H: Glowing unicorn W: Responders fireman
[Price Check] GTurkey, GPig, GSBQ, GBD, Raven, Crazy Guy, Brahmin, Deathclaw and Winter Man.
H: Glowing blue devil W: Max caps
Found in vendor for 500 caps. What can this get me