This is exploding my brain
Shade really is underrated in a good draft
Are thsee skins value and should People buy them
Nob after winning against SK gaming
Just made this random guy by no reason at all
Forget yellow/gold and green how can I make it better?
Monthly finals winners
tell me a brawler and i'll tell you how old i think he is
Lots of ppl got 3/7 today
Give me any brawler and I will tell you their IQ (image related)
Come on Supercell, those were the hardest to get and we don't even get 2nd chance?
First time I enjoyed playing brawlhockey
New Kairos pro tier list, thoughts?
Here is every brawler affected by protective tunes and which mechanic
What rarity every brawler would be if the game released today (Should I never cook again?)
Type your favorite brawlers name without these letters
Actually good advice
Are hypercharge cosmetics coming back?
When was Every Brawler's last skin released
This is basically confirmation that we will have a season of retro clash royale 2017. Would be the greatest update in 3 years alongside 2v2 ladder.
My Gunslinger Colt recolor concept, rate the meal
Would you rather live in a Goblin Hut or a Barbarian Hut?
Every ranked game ever
Is keeping a streak worth it?
Top 5 BIGGEST Brawl Stars players