I was in the Green Line train that crashed last night.
5 hurt when Green Line trains collide in Somerville; E Branch service suspended
My theory why toriyama paired vegeta and bulma together
Inspired by others to share my WIP - Fire Prism
the cutest Necromancer i ever saw, still sure he is spying on me
Entirely New Aspect Warrior Speculation
Designing Aeldari dice - what runes do you like best?
Macaw Wraith lord is done!
Limited Edition Autarch Restoration pt2
My Biel-Tan Falcon ready to cloudstrike my Aspect Warriors into glorious battle!
My re-posed running Wraithlord
I’ve never had a cat that lies with their back legs stretched out like this before!
The “head” of the new Shield Platform resembles the original 6mm epic-scale Wave Serpent model
Beet wraithseer build option?
Because I am as old as dirt I had this combat card set back when they came out and was obsessed from then on. That pack is long gone but I splurged on these two and then painted up their primaris contemporaries.
Custom squad of old metal Dark Reapers. I converted the Exarch's Shuriken Cannon to a more appropriate Tempest Launcher.
1991 Metal proto-Dire Avenger. Won 1st place at a local painting contest with this guy, he was the only xeno.
Don't talk to me or my son or my son's son ever again
My re-pose of the old metal Wraithlord
I felt guilty sending my Iyanden guardians out to die so I sculpted a guardian-scale Wraith head conversion.
Big Head Mode
u/wingFingers's circle