Creator Series resin 'Validated Settings' now inaccessible?
Do you have a JR Pass or IC Card (Suica/Pasmo/etc.) question? Start here! (Monthly Thread - July 01, 2024)
Looking for a mildly expensive awful restaurant to recommend to someone I don’t like, any suggestions?
Playbill Binders
Who is a well-known person in a prominent position who sucks at their job?
Need some moral support
How to choose WaterJet
Newly hired robotics/technology/shop teacher with blank check.
Looking for software advice
No one I can talk to
I see that in the US they're complaining about halal meat. They want their meat to be killed the American way...
God bless America.
Anyone in the Seacoast / Southern NH area have a resin 3D printer?
Bill would make brass knuckles, other street-fighting weapons legal in New Hampshire
Hankering for Sushi Amherst, Bedford, or Milford…
I have had my printer for 2 weeks now! And just found this while checking some settings. Why does it say so many hours? Doesn’t make sense
Gun Safes: best local sellers
Best gym with in southern New Hampshire not including YMCA
Snowbird Lifestyle - How'd you do it?
Moving from FL to NH next month :) Would love any advice for two FL natives first time living in snow and not just visiting it
Ke Huy Quan won Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture, and I hear the voting didn't take long...
Police called in Jackson due to pig blocking cross country ski trail
My girlfriend asked me who my favorite vampire was...
Your WiFi password is one of the few passwords you are expected to give to others.
Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier Has Caught Fire